How to Edit/Delete Payment
General Information:
You can change or delete a payment that has been already scheduled.
Note: Editing/Deleting payments can only be done in the "Bill Pay Dashboard".
Member Steps – Editing/Deleting a Payment
From the Bill Pay Dashboard select the payment you want to change by clicking on the arrow associated. That will open the screen where changes can be made.
You can make the changes to the following:
- Amount entered
- Payment date selected
- Account selected
- Frequency
- Notes
- Alerts selected
Once you click "Update" you will get an confirmation banner that alerts you the change was completed.
Note: The "Update" button will not highlight unless a change has been made.
Delete Payment
From the Bill Pay Dashboard select the payment you want to delete by clicking on the arrow associated. Scroll to the bottom right.
Then to confirm click "Yes, Delete this Payment"
You will see a confirmation banner that confirms your change: