This report shows a list of Knowledge Items that may contain broken links.

All items in the knowledge base are scanned for broken links once a week each Sunday. You can filter the report by KB topic and by status. There's even an export option for viewing or sorting in Excel.  

How to hide links you've confirmed are working

Run the report with "Include links previously marked as false positives" unchecked, and it will present you with the option to hide broken links that you no longer want shown on the report. 

A link can be "hidden" (mark as a "false positive") for any reason, but typically it is done when a link is unaccessible by the server doing the testing, but works for the audience of the knowledge base item.  This can happen, for instance, if the web server does not have local intranet access, but the consumers of your knowledge base do.   

Once a link is hidden as a "false positive" any other links in other knowledge base articles going to the exact same URL will also be hidden.

How to unhide links on the report

Run the report with "Include links previously marked as false positives" checked, and it will present the report with all hidden links included. 

In this mode, the report will show all links, regardless of their "false positive" designation.  Each row of the report will have a checkbox in the "False Positive" column which you can uncheck in order to make it start showing up in the report again.