To change your credit card information for Auto Renewal/Convenience Billing, please click on Sign In and then click on My Account OR click on My Account, if already logged in from the top right corner of any page and then select View Billing Information under I'd Like To: next to the membership card.  At this time, you will be able to see the last four digits of the credit card number and type of card on file.  You can then click the Update Credit Card button under Current Billing Options section to enter a new credit card.  You will need to enter your new credit card information.  Please also make sure the address that appears on the screen is your credit card billing address.  If not, please make any necessary corrections and click Continue to finish the process.
If automatic renewal is currently billed to an AAA credit card or you have a foreign billing address, please contact our Member Services at 800.222.1333, to make any changes.
To go directly to Payment Options, click here.
  You will be asked to log in to access this feature.