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  • 1. What are my options for contacting Progressions? Views: 179 Featured Content Public
    Below are the various ways that you can contact Progressions: Ask us a question online! Visit us in person at a branch near you! Call us: 509.535.0191 or 800.828.8691 Text us: 509.535.0191 (do not include any private information such as member number or social security number) Brian: 509.622.0475 Dionne: 509.622.2021 Trish: 509.622.2018 Herb (if in connection with your loan payments or a mortgage loan): 509.622.2011 Mailing Address contact us email
  • 2. What are your current loan rates? Views: 1048 Featured Content Public
    Rates effective 02/01/2025 and subject to change. APR=Annual Percentage Rate. OAC=On Approved Credit. Your rate will be determined by the loan type, amount, applicable fees, collateral, term requested, and your credit score. For additional information regarding rates and terms on Progressions Credit Union loans, please contact us. AUTOS AND TRUCKS 10 YEARS OLD AND NEWER APR RANGE RANGE OF TERMS OTHER INFORMATION 4.49% - 17.99% 2018 Model year or newer up to 96 months OAC 2015-2017 Model years up  More...
  • 3. Where can I find more information about the federal insurance coverage on my accounts at Progressions Credit Union? Views: 207 Public
    NCUA Initiates Share Insurance Call Center, Tool Kit Experts are available to answer questions about share insurance Alexandria, Va., September 23, 2008 - The National Credit Union Administration today opens a call center and posts an electronic tool kit to help members and credit unions better understand the insurance protection NCUA provides for member accounts. With the well-publicized turmoil in the financial markets, consumers need assurance that the federally insured funds in their cr  More...
  • 4. What are your current deposit rates? Views: 1390 Featured Content Public
    Effective 02/01/2025 and subject to change. For additional information regarding rates and terms on Progressions Credit Union deposit accounts, please call 509.535.0191 or 800.828.8691. APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Federally Insured by NCUA. To view our Fee Schedule, click here . Kasasa Cash ® Checking Minimum balance to open Minimum balance to earn stated APY APY Truth in Savings Disclosure Learn More $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Range $0.00-$30,000 (Qualified Rate) Range $30,000.01 or greater (Qualif  More...
  • 5. What hours is the CU open? Where are the branches located? Views: 398 Featured Content Public
    Visit us online at progressionscu.org Download our mobile app for i Phone or Android Online Loan Application Shared Branching No Surcharge ATM Locator CU*Talk: 509.535.8864 or 800.27Smart Report a lost or stolen Visa Debit/ATM card: 800.241.2510 Report a lost or stolen Visa Credit card: 800.991.4961. Main Branch Phone: 509.535.0191 or 800.828.8691 Fax: 509.535.0288 Address 2919 E Mission Ave, Spokane WA 99202 Click here for map Lobby Hours 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Drive  More...
  • 6. Where can I find an ATM? Views: 208 Featured Content Public
    Progressions Credit Union has two 24 hr drive up deposit taking ATMs; at our Mission Branch (2919 E Mission Ave, Spokane WA 99202) and our Nevada Branch (9233 N Nevada St, Spokane WA 99218). Members may also locate on of the more than 30,000 ATMs available to our members with no additional surcharges by using the Co-Op ATM locator .
  • 7. Can the credit union help protect me from Identity Theft? Views: 189 Featured Content Public
    Yes. We offer IDSafeChoice to help protect you from ID Theft BEFORE it happens. IDSafeChoice offers you the only early warning system available today to help stop identity theft - credit monitoring. In addition, IDSafeChoice helps you overcome the effects if you are victimized with fully managed recovery and expense reimbursement. With IDSafeChoice's fully managed recovery you can rest assured that your good name will be restored by a professional Recovery Advocate, no matter how long  More...
  • 8. What should I know about pro-forma financial statements? Views: 46810 Public
    Terms of Use Investors should always take the critical step of reading the financial statements of the companies they've invested in, or intend to invest in, because financial statements contain important corporate financial information that may not be readily apparent from news releases. Recently, some companies have put out press releases using so-called pro forma financial information to highlight what they claim are important portions of their actual financial reports. Investors should  More...
  • 9. My statement shows APY and APYE. What is the difference? Views: 688 Public
    Annual Percentage Yield is t he percentage rate which reflects the total amount of dividends to be paid on an account based on the dividend rate (annual percentage rate) and the frequency of compounding. The APY is the rate quoted to members inquiring about deposit rates. Annual Percentage Yield Earned reflects the total amount of dividends actually earned for the statement period based on the actual average daily balance in the account. The APYE is affected by deposits and withdrawals made dur  More...
  • 10. Auto Loan calculator to help you determine how much you can afford to spend on an automobile. Views: 305 Public
    h1 { font-size: 13pt; font-weight: bold; } [Skip to Content] Car Loan Calculator Use this calculator to help you determine your monthly car loan payment or your car purchase price. After you have entered your current information, use the graph options to see how different loan terms or down payments can impact your monthly payment. You can also examine your complete amortization schedule by clicking on the View Report button. Javascript is required for this calculator. If you are using Interne  More...
All information provided through this site is intended to be accurate. However, there may be inaccuracies at times, which we will make every attempt to correct when found. Information provided is intended to assist you in making decisions and does not eliminate the need to discuss your particular circumstances with a qualified professional.