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  • 1. Education Savings calculator to help develop and fine tune your savings plan for educational expenses. Views: 51 Public
    h1 { font-size: 13pt; font-weight: bold; } [Skip to Content] College Savings Calculator Saving for your children's education requires a long-term plan. And, like saving for retirement, the earlier you start your plan the better. Use this calculator to help develop or fine-tune your education savings plan. Click the View Report button for a detailed look at the results. Javascript is required for this calculator. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to select to 'Allow Blocked Conte  More...
  • 2. Home Budget calculator to help you analyze and improve your budget. Views: 50 Public
    h1 { font-size: 13pt; font-weight: bold; } [Skip to Content] Home Budget Analysis Managing your monthly budget can be difficult and frustrating. One of the most important aspects of controlling your budget is to determine where your money is going. This calculator helps you do just that. By entering your income and monthly expenditures, you can see how much you have left to save and where your money is being spent. In addition, you can click the View Report to see your entries results in detai  More...
  • 3. Long Term Care Calculator Views: 33 Public
    h1 { font-size: 13pt; font-weight: bold; } [Skip to Content] Long Term Care Calculator Long term care is needed by those who can't perform the basic tasks required to take care of themselves. This can include people suffering from a debilitating illness or chronic injury. The need for long term care can arise unexpectedly, often creating a large financial burden. This calculator can help you determine if you are financially prepared for this impending expense. Javascript is required for this cal  More...
  • 4. Cool Million calculator to determine when your savings plan will make you a millionaire. Views: 16 Public
    h1 { font-size: 13pt; font-weight: bold; } [Skip to Content] Cool Million Calculator What might it take to save one million dollars? This financial calculator helps you find out. Enter in your current savings plan and graphically view your financial results for each year until you retire. Press the View Report button for a report that helps you see when you might hit your cool million - and what you might be able to do to possibly achieve this goal. Javascript is required for this calculator.   More...
  • 5. Savings Delay Cost Calculator Views: 13 Public
    h1 { font-size: 13pt; font-weight: bold; } [Skip to Content] Don't Delay Your Savings! Waiting to begin your savings plan may have an important impact on your results. A delay of even a few years could cost thousands of dollars. This calculator helps show you how much postponing your savings plan may really cost. Javascript is required for this calculator. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to select to 'Allow Blocked Content' to view this calculator. For more information about the  More...
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