Your digital vault has two ways to securely share information - share links and exchanges.  The difference between these two pages is simple. ShareLinks are links that you create to collect or share files and folders with external third-parties. You must email or text a secure ShareLink to the third-party for them to access the information inside your digital vault. Examples are emailing your CPA a ShareLink to your tax record folder to upload your completed tax returns or texting a ShareLink to your lawyer to download a copy of your most recent Will or Power of Attorney document.

Exchanges are an internal feature that not all digital vaults have. An exchange is granting access to another internal digital vault to move a copy of the authorized document or folder to the other owner's digital vault. The most common example of this is exchanging documents and folders with the financial institution that is providing you with your digital vault.

Share Management on the left navigation menu contains the External Shares Tab which will show ShareLinks you have created to share external access to your files and folders and the Exchanges Tab which will show outgoing internal exchanges between two digital vaults.

This page will show all the share links that exist in your digital vault. There are two tabs in the Share Management Module - Shares and Exchanges.

External Shares tab:
  • Lists all of the share links that are still present in your StrongBox

  • Shows the share link name, if it is expired based on the date, the expiration date if one is set and the ability to delete the share link

Exchanges tab:
  • Lists all of the outgoing exchanges active in your StrongBox

  • Shows the item exchanged, the description of the exchange, the date it was exchanged on, who it was exchanged with, activity on the exchange and the ability to edit or delete the exchange


This page will show all of the incoming exchanges that you have been granted access to view.

Based on the organization settings the Share Management page may not show the External Shares or Exchanges tab