If you wish to see gas stations along your route in TripTik Travel Planner, you can do so by clicking on the Gas Pump icon at the top left of the TripTik Travel Planner.  Gas stations will show as a gas pump on your map.
Once you have chosen your start/end destinations and click Start Trip, you should then click on the gas pump icon.  Once you do, you should see all the gas pumps on the map where there is a gas station.
Your route will show as a blue line.  Since you have the gas icon chosen, you will see the gas pump icon on the map along with a list of gas stations on the left.  You will need to zoom in on a specific location along your route to see a list of the gas stations along your route on the left side of your map.  You can zoom in by clicking on the plus sign (+) at the bottom right of the map.  When you hover over one of the gas icons, you will see the name of the gas station and what the regular price of gas is at that station.  If you click on the bubble, you will get more options:
  • Add to Trip – clicking Add to Trip will add this gas station to your route on the left
  • Save – clicking Save will save it to your Saved Places for a later time
  • Details –clicking More Info will supply you with the following:
    • station name
    • address
    • phone #
    • the different grades of gasoline with pricing, if available
    • date of last update, if available
When you click on Save, as mentioned above, it will be saved to your Saved Places.  You can access these Saved Places by clicking on the red heart on the right side of the panel of the AAA TripTik Travel Planner.  Once you click the red heart, a list will appear on the left side of the screen.  This list will have any hotel, restaurant, campground, gas station, route, etc., that you have clicked on to save.  If you want to get back to your directions, click on this  icon, which is above the red heart.  The Saved Places list will be switched out for the Directions.
AAA Mobile App
You can also see gas stations while using the AAA Mobile App by opening the app and then clicking on the Near Me icon.  The gas stations will show as gas pumps.  At the bottom right, you can click on Show List to see the list of gas stations or Hide List to hide the list.  In the list view, you will get the same information as you would in the AAA TripTik Travel Planner.  If you are not seeing gas stations, please click on the 3 lines next to Change Location, which will give you filters.  Put a checkmark next to fuel and you should see the gas stations on the map.